Galen Elise Call, CRMP Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional, NMLS 226129
Thank you for visiting my website! You have absolutely come to the right place. At any time if you would like to speak with me directly, call my office at 831-645-1164. Please leave a voicemail if I am unavailable. You can trust on my return phone call! That is a guarantee.
I serve California locally on the central coast’s Monterey Peninsula and our tri-county area. This beautiful location has been home where we have lived and worked for over 40 years.
I have originated reverse mortgage loans since 2006 and I have been in mortgage lending since 2003. I only originate reverse mortgages and today I view this loan option more than ever as a financial tool providing positive, solution-based results. Retirement planning might include creating supplemental income from your equity, downsizing using a reverse mortgage purchase loan or exploring the opportunity to pay off a current mortgage and eliminate monthly payments. These are but a few of the ways this mortgage could help you.
I believe in education first for my clients, their families, and their fiduciaries. I believe it is more important to be honest and transparent if this loan is the best option for you vs securing a sale at all cost. I believe in collaborating with like-minded professionals whose only interest is in their clients well being; your Realtor, Tax Adviser, Financial Adviser or Attorney, regarding a reverse mortgage for refinance or purchase. This option is excellent when considering cash flow, debt relief or asset management.
In my community volunteer time, I served from 2008 – 2018 as a Board Member for The Alliance on Aging, also as past President and Vice President. This 40+ yearold nonprofit organization provides Monterey County’s senior population viable programs which foster healthy living.
I make personal time for recreational activities. I love being outdoors and include early morning visits to the gym for yoga or spin class. Staying fit, actively meeting new people, being outdoors playing tennis, skiing, hiking and the occasional back pack trip, with family and friends, allows for a balanced life. Aging gracefully is a mantra and having fun on the journey continues to be an aspiration.